The PCG Way - A Flexible Marketing Measurement Framework


Pivotal Consulting Group (PCG) focuses on making marketing strategies that are specific to each business's needs. Our method, "The PCG Way," uses data to figure out the best approach for each client. This post looks at how we tailor marketing to fit different situations.

The Importance of Tailored Marketing Strategies

The ability to make informed decisions based on data is key for modern marketing teams. At Pivotal Consulting Group (PCG), we recognize that generic solutions cannot address the unique needs of each business. "The PCG Way'' provides a structured framework that guides our custom strategies, ensuring they are rooted in data-driven insights. This approach enables us to meet your specific challenges head-on, leveraging our experience to foster sustainable growth.

The Unified Framework of The PCG Way

"The PCG Way" integrates three core components: Incrementality Experiments, Multi-Touch Attribution, and Marketing Mix Modeling. This combination forms a toolkit for marketing measurement, where each tool's strengths address the limitations of the others. This flexible approach ensures that our clients benefit from a clear understanding of their marketing efforts, leading to more strategic and effective decision-making.

Component 1: Incrementality Experiments

Imagine you're trying to determine if a new fertilizer helped your garden grow better. By applying it to some plants but not others, you can see the difference in growth directly caused by the fertilizer. This is similar to how you can run incrementality experiments in marketing, where we test specific initiatives or strategies to see the direct impact they have on outcomes like conversions, revenue, or engagement. At PCG, our approach to these tests brings insights that guide the direction of marketing strategies, helping us allocate resources to where they are most effective. 

The value of incrementality lies in its ability to isolate the effects of marketing efforts from other variables. This clarity is crucial for businesses aiming to understand the efficacy of their investments. However, incrementality experiments alone may not fully capture the complexity of customer interactions across different channels. This is where the complementary nature of our other tools comes into play.

Component 2: Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA)

Imagine a football team scoring a touchdown. The quarterback, who throws the touchdown pass, might receive most of the credit, but this touchdown is the culmination of efforts from the entire offense, including the offensive line protecting the quarterback, the running back drawing defenders away, and the wide receiver making the catch. Multi-Touch Attribution operates similarly by recognizing and valuing each touchpoint, or 'player,' in the customer's journey towards conversion. It's not just the final click that gets the credit; every interaction that contributed to the final decision is credited for its part in the success.  At PCG, we use a combination of platform specific MTA solutions (ex. Google Ads, Google Analytics, etc) and our own custom built Bayesian modeled MTA solutions.  

MTA offers a granular view of the customer journey, highlighting the importance of each marketing touchpoint. However, its focus on individual interactions may overlook broader trends and the cumulative effect of marketing channels. Marketing Mix Modeling addresses this by providing a “tops down” and macro perspective, complementing MTA's “bottoms up” analysis and ensuring a balanced approach to marketing measurement.

Component 3: Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM)

Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) operates by analyzing historical data to guide the efficient allocation of marketing budgets. Imagine it like perfecting a dish through trial and error. Each time you prepare it, you adjust the ingredients based on past experiences—more of what enhances the flavor and less of what doesn't—to improve the outcome. Similarly, MMM examines what marketing 'ingredients' (channels and campaigns) have contributed most effectively to sales and leads in the past, allowing for refined budget allocations that favor the most impactful channels. At PCG, we leverage MMM to ensure that marketing investments are channeled into the most effective strategies. 

MMM's strength lies in how it provides a holistic view of marketing performance and identifying optimal budget allocation strategies. However, its reliance on historical data means it might not capture the immediate effects of new marketing initiatives. Incrementality experiments and MTA fill this gap, offering insights into the immediate impact and detailed customer behavior, respectively. Together, these tools provide a comprehensive framework for effective marketing measurement.

The PCG Difference

Our approach combines industry expertise with a commitment to delivering tailored, data-driven solutions. "The PCG Way" is more than just a methodology; it's a reflection of our dedication to driving sustainable growth for our clients. By customizing our strategies within this proven framework, we address your unique challenges with precision and expertise. PCG stands as a trusted partner, ready to navigate the complexities of digital marketing alongside you


"The PCG Way" combines three tools: Incrementality Experiments, Multi-Touch Attribution, and Marketing Mix Modeling, to help businesses understand and improve their marketing. We aim to give clear, effective strategies based on solid data, making sure companies spend their marketing budget where it works best. It's a direct, smart way to handle digital marketing challenges.

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